- G: move
- R: rotate
- S: scale
- holding ctrl: snapping mode (the magnet)
- shift-tab: toggle snapping mode
Type letter of axis (x,y,z) to aling transform to that axis.
- MMB: orbit
- shift-MMB: pan
- wheel: zoom
- ~: options to jump (to axis, selected object, etc.)
- N: toggle properties
- T: toggle toolbar
- tab: toggle edit mode
- ctrl-tab: options for different modes (e.g. edit mode)
- Z: options for view modes (e.g. wireframe)
- H: hide selection
- alt-H: unhide
- alt-G: snap object to origin (0,0)
- ctrl-P: set parent to (e.g. to group objects for animation)
- I: insert keyframe
- shift-A: create object dialog (post-creation-options dialog in the bottom left)
- X: delete object
- shift-D: duplicate object
- ctrl-A: apply dialog (to apply rotation, scale etc.)
- RMB: open object context menu (e.g. to change shading type)
- applied to an object nondestructively
- applied in the order they are listed
- can be individually en-/disabled for edit mode, view port and render
- ctrl-A: apply modifier (destructive)
- LMB: select verticies
- F: create face
- X: remove (e.g. face)
- same shortcuts for transforms
- alt-S: move but in direction of normal (shrink and fatten)
- alt-Z: toggle x-ray (select verts through the mesh)
- O: toggle proportional editing
- P: separate (e.g. separate selection into separate object)
- L: select all linked (all verts connected to selected vert)
- E: extrude from selectio
- alt-LMB: select edge loop
- ctrl-R: loop cut (scrollwheel to increase number of cuts)
- M: merge verticies
- holding control inverts the tool (e.g. push instead of pull surface)
- G: grab, to grab and pull something out
- I: inflate
- F+mouse: change radius of brush
- shift-F+mouse: change strength of brush
- hold shift: temporarily use smoothing
- if they look bad coz small, increase cube size
- if there should be shadows but it's lit, set shadow -> bias light-property to basically 0
- enable ambient occlusion
- reflections from offscreen stuff, enable screen space reflections
- enable bloom if needed
- can reduce max samples when denoising is enabled
- start denoising after a bit to save some perf
- renderer properties -> color management -> look to influence final look (e.g. high contrast)
- lighting: key, fill (softer shadows) and rim (highlight shape in the dark)
- subsuface scattering is expensive, avoid it if not necessary
- render properties -> performance -> enable persistent data (avoids reuploading data to gpu)
- roughness -> glossyness
- subsurface -> light penetrates object and diffuses in it
- select all objects that should share material (select one object that has that material last) then ctrl-L to link (e.g. material)
- shift-A: add stuff
- connect nodes
- ctrl-RMB: get the knife and cut lol
- node wrangler: ctrl-shift-LMB on node to preview that texture
- ctrl-J: create frame around selected nodes (for annotation)
- ctrl-G: make node group
- ctrl-alt-G: ungroup nodes
- tab: open selected node group
- ctrl-tab: leave node group
- M: move selected objects (e.g. to a new collection)
- ctrl-RMB: add keyframe
- ctrl-shift-LMB: open previewer of node
- uses last render as input (if there is no image, make a render)
- render properties -> folm -> enable transparent to set background in compositor
- enable render passes under view layer properties to access certain data (e.g. gloss)
- reapply camera size, exposure and color space
- import image sequence
- change quality to something better than medium
- should always apply scale to keep it at 1 (properties) otherwise things might be whacky
- enable lights and world in material preview -> basically eevee thus can select cycles for actual rendering engine
- add new workspace for geometry node editing sounds reasonable
- incase animation does not play back at desired framerate enable frame dropping under playback options in timeline
geometry nodes: value node can take
as parameter to get current frame - set strength of light in world properties to 0
- output to tiff if it should be used in external tool
- output openxsr if it stays in blender