using wgpu as a base for this
remove a lot of complexity from:
latent ID initialization
different forms of API (core vs hal)
buffer init descriptor:
content (actual buffer data)
usage (vertex, index, image, uniform, copy dst etc.)
vertex buffer layout:
step mode (vertex vs instance)
texture descriptor:
depth or array layers
mip level count
sample count
dimension (2D, 3D etc.)
usage (texture binding, render attachment, copy dst etc.)
sampler descriptor:
address mode[] (repeat, clamp to edge etc.):
mag filter (linear, nearest)
min filter (linear, nearest)
mipmap filter
lod min clamp
lod max clamp
compare func
anisotropy clamp
border color
binding type texture:
sample type
view dimension
binding type sampler (filtering, comparison etc.)
binding type buffer:
ty (storage, uniform)
has dynamic offset
binding type storage texture:
acces (RO, WO, RW)
view dimension
bind group layout descriptor:
binding (0, 1, ...)
visibility (fragment, vertex etc.)
ty (binding type)
count (only relevant if ty is a texture -> num of elements in array texture)
bind group descriptor:
bind group layout descriptor
binding (0, 1, ...)
resource (texture view obj, sampler obj)
shader module descriptor:
color target state:
format (of texture)
blend (replace, alpha etc.)
write_mask (all, just alpha etc.)
render pipeline descriptor:
pipeline layout descriptor:
bind group layout[]
push constant ranges[]
vertex state:
shader module descriptor
buffers[] (vertex buffer layout)
fragment state:
shader module descriptor
primitive state:
topology (triangle list, fan etc.)
strip index format
front face (CW vs CCW)
cull mode (back, front etc.)
polygon mode (fill, lines etc.)
depth stencil:
depth write enabled
depth compare func
multisample state:
mask (which samples are active)
alpha to coverage enabled (supposedly for AA, don't know more tho)
multiview (array texture target)
render pass descriptor:
color attachments[]:
view (of render target)
ops[] (clear on load etc.)
depth stencil attachment:
view (texture view of depth texture)
depth ops (e.g. clear op to 1.0)
stencil ops (similar to above)
get device and queue
create command encoder on device
create renderpass on command encoder from renderpass descriptor
set pipeline descriptor on render pass
set bind group at group index
set vertex buffer at slot
set index buffer with format (u16, u8 etc.)
call draw on renderpass (with vertex and instance count)
submit renderpass to a queue